Архив постов: May 2022

Cruising Nordhavns, two N62’s and a N57 cruising in the Bahamas

May 25, 2022

In this episode we comment on the crazy that is Lake Worth Inlet, but then make tracks to Key Biscayne, cross to Bimini and then to Exumas and Cat Island and Eleuthera. We cruise with our Nordhavn boat friends N62 Zarpe and N57 Alliance. They are on Instagram @zarpe and @justalliance We also catch up with @Wandering Knapps aboard MV Illuminate and @zombies_cant_swim in Bimini. We catch Maui, have dolphins ride our bulbous bow, and see dolphins play on Cat Island. We enjoy amazing food and enjoy the boat buddy chill factor.

Provisioning our Nordhavn 62. Choosing our fave foods. Where we stow the food & drink!

May 3, 2022

Here we have focused on providing the Admiral with her own Episode on storing and stowing our provisions. We also talk about choosing our fave Southern African delights and where to buy them. Dutch’s Gourmet Sausages in Plantation is the place… (not a sponsored plug). @dutchys_gourmet_sausages on Instagram and they are also on FB and have a web site. We will also be shortly be bringing out some Bahamas videos… as you know we have been twice this year… in a short space of time… Connectivity here, even with VSAT is not brilliant … and we also trying to have fun! I also need to get permission from some friends to show them!

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